I don't think I've been turned off quickly by a company as quickly as I did with Unity.
They announced they'll be adding a fee to their software and is gonna make their software a bit more expensive starting in January. Doesn't sound like much... until you realize that it's what they call a "Runtime Fee" and it exists to screw you over.
Basically, if you make a game, publish it, and then someone installs it, that fee is going up. Keyword: "Installs". It's not enough that (from what I heard) Unity takes a portion of the income of the games generated by just purchasing it, ooooohh nononono, Unity is now charging you a fee *per installation*, so if anyone installs a game, deletes it, installs it again, that fee is going up. So if your game is getting a lot of downloads, regardless if they were purchased or not, the fee the developers are paying is gonna increase.
To big companies, that may not be that big of a problem, but for indie and smaller companies and teams, oh boy, this could be a legitimate death sentence as this means that they could end up paying for a fee that's way beyond their ability to even PAY it, and can reach for the millions.
This is just impressive, Unity shot themselves in the foot in mere seconds thanks to them wanting more money. And for that, I don't think I'll use Unity again until they reverse it. I'm gonna stick with Godot from now on.
well that succs
Oh, indeed it does